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Our Class & School Day

Budehaven Area Resource Base consists of three large learning spaces / classrooms and a sensory room.  We have a team of nine staff which includes, the teacher, HLTA, TA’s and Coordinator.  Our students are primarily educated within the ARB but can also access mainstream lessons depending on the specific student’s needs.

Our ARB provides a safe and fun environment to learn, we have an outside area which the students can also access



Our School Day

Arrive and welcome session:  08:50 – 9:10

Period 1: 9:10 – 10:10

Period 2: 10:10 – 11:00

Break: 11:00 – 11:30

Period 3: 11:30 – 12:20

Period 4: 12:20 – 13:20

Dinner: 13:20 – 14:10

Period 5: 14:10 – 15:00
