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Gatsby Benchmarks

The Good Career Guidance Report identifies a set of eight benchmarks that schools can use as a framework for improving their careers provision to secure that every young person will receive high-quality career guidance to make informed decisions about their future.

Within our schools we aim to achieve (where deemed appropriate) all eight Benchmarks recommended by the Gatsby Foundation, establishing through a baseline where each school is in relation to providing these. 

For any questions or to find further information about the school's careers programme please contact the Careers Leader for the school.

Benchmark 1- A Stable Careers Programme

There is a stable and structured careers plan in place. Each year it is published on the school’s website. It is accessible to parents, teachers, employers and pupils. It is regularly evaluated through Compass Audits and voice opportunities.


Benchmark 2: Learning from Labour Market Information

Career Paths and Labour Markets form part of the Careers Curriculum. Pupils also receive information about local employers and specific assemblies and form time activities. The Careers Advisor also supports their learning from labour markets. Information is also placed on the webpage for access.

Benchmark 3: Addressing the needs of each pupil

Every year the Careers programme includes targeted activities by year group but firstly it is individualised. The programme is based on the individual feedback of pupils. SEND needs are at the heart of the curriculum and experiences are tailored to support individual needs and development. Scaffolding approaches are used to develop skills and support individual progress.

Records of individual interventions are held and regularly updated. Pupils and parents will have access to their  plans from careers advisor meetings. Data relating to destinations and leavers will be collated and held for 3 years after a pupil leaves school.

Benchmark 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers

Subject specific careers talks.

Focus weeks: STEM, Sport, Arts Interventions, Enrichment, Careers focus in Teaching and Learning Policy. Learning Walks conducted to evidence careers links within lessons. Evidencing of careers on schemes of work.

Workshops E.g. Lego, Music, Police, Gardening, Visits to local businesses. 

Benchmark 5: Encounters with Employers and Employees

Careers programme plans for multiple encounters with employers and employees- linking to specific areas of interest and different sectors. Opportunities include work experience, site visits, guest speakers, workshops, virtual offers and trips. Planned Careers Fair for Summer term (TBC)

Benchmark 6: Experience of Work Places

Virtual tours are planned into the programme. Work experience and trips suited to individual needs.

Benchmark 7: Encounters with further and higher education

All pupils have access to meaningful encounters with Colleges, training providers and employers across Cornwall. This will include open days, transition visits and tours.

Planned careers fair will include a range of providers.

Benchmark 8: Personal Guidance

All Year 11 pupils will have at least 1 meeting with the Careers Advisor this year.

All Year 10 pupils will have at least 1 meeting with the Careers Advisor this year.

All Year 9 pupils will have at least 1 meeting with the Careers advisor this year- timing permitted. This will be supplemented with individual meetings with the Careers Lead as scheduled.