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Key People

Key Staff

Careers Lead- Jodie Watkins-Young


Telephone: 01872 520385

Fran Dolan, our Careers Development Consultant from CSW Group

   Hello, my name is Fran Dolan                          

I work for CSW Group as a Careers Development Consultant, and my main role is to support and advise during the Transition from School to post 16/19 Further Education provision from Year 9. I ensure that the young person and their family are aware of what educational, training and employment opportunities are available. I will link in with the pupil, parents/carer, and the school prior to the transition to gather views and information on what type of placement and support the pupil will need in their next placement. This information will be recorded on an Options Appraisal Form.This form is then shared with the SEN department at County Hall.