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Budehaven  ARB (Area Resource Base) is set within Budehaven Community School and is operated by Cornwall’s Special Partnership Trust.

Our ARB is a specialist facility providing 15 places for children with complex and multiple needs. Students include those with physical disabilities, Autistic Spectrum condition, speech, language and communication needs or global developmental and learning delay.

As well as the academic subjects studied, the ARB curriculum includes life skills, social talk and a range of sensory curricular opportunities including TACPAC ™. At KS4 students are offered the opportunity to follow accredited courses including Entry Level English, Entry Level Maths and Life and Living Skills. Options are offered for GCSE qualifications in the mainstream where appropriate.

Our ARB students are encouraged to join in the social life of the school and encouraged to attend mainstream tutor groups and assemblies on a weekly basis. Mainstream curriculum opportunities are also offered for those children that can access particular academic areas or who are ready to experience mainstream environments.


Apply for a Place

Application for a placement within the ARB is coordinated by Cornwall Council’s SEND team. Applications for ARB specialist provision are usually made by the primary school SENDCo during the Year 5 Annual Review process.